うつわの 新しいいのち

When a piece of pottery breaks, rather than disposing of it immediately, we suggest that you have it repaired and continue using it. Using the Kintsugi technique, even if a piece of pottery is cracked or chipped, you can restore it with some time and effort.
Along with promoting the ancient Kintsugi technique, we would like to advocate the Japanese aesthetic of seeing beauty in imperfection and valuing longevity.
Zen Life Cycle

When you find your favorite piece of pottery in our collection, we would like you to use it frequently in your everyday life. However, ceramics can break; therefore, we also provide follow-up service. If any of your purchased items are damaged during use, we can repair them or repurchase them. In case of damage, please feel free to contact us from the contact page. (*Limited to items purchased at ZEN.)
ですので、アフターサービスをご用意しました。お使いいただいているうつわが破損してしまった場合は、お直し、あるいは、お買取の対応をいたします。もしも破損してしまった際は、ぜひお気軽にコンタクトページよりご連絡ください。(※Zen にてお求めいただいたお品物に限ります。)
As ceramic artists and potters produce their wares, some pieces get cracked or chipped in the process. At ZEN, we take those pieces that potters intend to discard, and our craftsmen carefully repair them using the Kintsugi method. We provide these restored pieces of pottery with a new look for our online shop.
What is Kintsugi?

陶磁器が欠けたり割れたりした際に、破損箇所を漆と金を使って直す、伝統的な技法のことです。実際には、金は最後の仕上げに装飾に使うものであって、金でなくて銀を使えば「銀継ぎ」、金属を使わずに、漆だけで仕上げる「漆継ぎ」や「共継ぎ」、また、別の器の破片をうまく組み合わせてつなげる「呼び継 ぎ」などの種類があります。
Kintsugi is the Japanese traditional technique of using lacquer and gold to repair damaged parts when ceramics are chipped or cracked.
In practice, gold is used only for the final touches. If silver is used instead of gold, it will be called as “Gin-tsugi”, meaning silver joinery". There are also some other methods, such as “Urushi-tsugi” which uses only lacquer but not with any metals, “Tomo-tsugi” which uses the similar color of lacquer to match with the original color of damaged pottery, and also “Yobi-tsugi” which combines another different piece of ceramics for the chipped part.

Atsuko Watanabe
ZEN CEO. After working at STARNET, a gallery and tableware shop in Tochigi Prefecture’s Mashiko, a town famous for its pottery production, she opened KAGURE in Omotesando, Tokyo, a shop that specialized in natural materials and everyday household items. She worked there as a branding director for 7 years.
After giving birth in 2015, she moved to Tono City in Iwate Prefecure, and now considers Kamakura City and Tono City home. She has been fascinated by and involved with pottery for 20 years.